We’re giving the driver and passenger assurance of safe, easy exit and entry. Here are some more of the benefits of running boards.
Running boards are compatible with many of our vehicles. If you need help finding adaptive equipment that’s right for you, click below.
Designed to give you a safe and secure stepping space and improved traction, running boards ensure getting in and out of your vehicle will be much easier.
Text, Dodge Caravan. A red van is parked on the street. The door is open on the side of the van and a ramp unfolds automatically. Text, automatic side ramp. The inside of the van is open. A man kneels next to a boy in a wheelchair inside the van where the wheelchair is secured by straps. Text, tie-downs.
The boy and the man interact with a young girl. A woman kneels next to the boy in the wheelchair and the girl and the man stand behind him on a sidewalk.
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Spend a day with this active retiree and see how he gets the most out of life with his friends and Ram ProMaster ®.
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